the turn my hart took for the worse

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

an english lesson i dont understand.

ishmael [2:38 PM]: you ever find yourself making fun of people to their faces and they dont get it and laugh along?

danger man [2:39 PM]: like _____?

ishmael [2:39 PM]: prime example

danger man [2:40 PM]: then yes

ishmael [2:43 PM]: i often say things to ___ where i am openly mocking his lack of compreshension and he just chuckles and repeats his diatribe

he's like a gold fish

his gob's constantly moving yet he retains nothing


danger man [2:46 PM]: Hey look, there's a man with bubbles coming out of his head

Look a castle!

Look, a plant!

ishmael [2:46 PM]: holy shit, who's that hot half fish chick?

danger man [2:46 PM]: Look! A Man with bubbles coming out of his head!!!

Wow. A castle!

ishmael [2:46 PM]: holy shit!

danger man [2:47 PM]: Where did that naked fish chick come from?

ishmael [2:47 PM]: mermaids of course

if he cant recall a castle he saw 3 seconds ago, its doubtful he's recall the technical term for a mermaid

danger man [2:47 PM]: no kidding

have we had the discussion about which half before?

I suspect I've discussed that with you before

ishmael [2:48 PM]: yes we have

danger man [2:48 PM]: of course

ishmael [2:49 PM]: etf

danger man [2:49 PM]: now we are like an old couple

danger man [2:49 PM]: it only took 4.5 years

that's not bad actually

danger man [2:49 PM]: I only have like 4 conversations with my brothers

ishmael [2:49 PM]: the same ones? how many have we had?

danger man [2:50 PM]: hundred I'd reckon

ishmael [2:50 PM]: i like that number

its almost too bad yer not trying to be a psychologist cuz you'd have about 5 different thesis' from our ramblings together

maybe we should publish a paper anyways

danger man [2:51 PM]: why not?

it'd be interesting if not illuminating

ishmael [2:54 PM]: amen.

illuminating for us or for everyone else?

danger man [2:55 PM]: I don't really care about anyone else

ishmael [2:56 PM]: awww

i feel so special

danger man [2:56 PM]: look how much effort it takes to be my friend

ishmael [2:56 PM]: i actually dont really try all that hard

seems to come naturally

danger man [2:57 PM]: cause you are easy to get along with

ishmael [2:57 PM]: oh. maybe.

danger man [2:57 PM]: easy with towards get along?

easy along with getting?

ishmael [2:57 PM]: we are towarding to this getting of the along

danger man [2:57 PM]: friggin dangling participles

ishmael [2:57 PM]: here we are for going!

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