the turn my hart took for the worse

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


three new molecules to waste time on.


all this.

all of this.

little waters and when i am back on top again...

this will be our truth

that is our truth

thrashed and just the way
it was always meant to be.

all ways
and back on top
once and again

Saturday, January 22, 2011

my own personal new york

this is the city.
today i took the same bus twice and wondered if the driver recognized me or just my transfer. probably neither, it's a big place, after all.

so we all shine on

today in line for whatever we needed to queue for because
this is the city
our patience was appreciated.
which is nice since this is the reason we all
had to queue to
begin with

after all
and all after this happens we are still treated kindly
novel like a struck match
when we glow oh we glow

you can count on me for percussion
things to hit and crash
the misplaced rhythm i feel when i walk down
this you can count on

and the after glow

too late for beginnings
because it's gone in that moment

you cant count on me to count down the rhythm

just like the city.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

(no subject) really translates into 'tell me a story'. happily...

there was an old man that lived on the same street as my other and i and
you'd see him often with his cat. he had a stroller for it with it's
leash hitched on the side, so sometimes they'd be walking side by side
and sometimes the cat ( i liked to pretend his name was rufus) would
just be chillin' in the pram as the old man ( whom i liked to pretend
was named leonard) would gently push him down the side walk. then
there was a large stretch of time when i saw neither of them, and i
spent a lot of time outside smoking on the front stoop so i was
apprised of neighborhood happenings. one day, i was sitting at my
desk working in my office when my other burst into the room and excitedly
said ' COME CHECK THIS OUT!' and then with out regard for what i was
doing at the time grabbed me by the wrist and hauled me to the stoop.

and there were leonard and rufus, leonard pushing and rufus coasting
sleepily, down the side walk. i had never been happier to see someone
i didnt even know. i looked up at my other, who was beaming heavily
under his beard and realized i was lucky to have someone who loved me
and my stupid little quirks like caring about the neighbor and his

i miss living on that avenue.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

a letter to an otherwise anonymous muse who's got me all sort of ' i dont know'.

"sometimes i get believin' i'm moving past this feeling, and into the night..."

i don't think it's too much to ask to hold yer hand and show you some
beauty . i'm inspired to move past my feelings. i essentially eschew
every literary rule but i adhere to one: avoid upper casing anything
unless you mean it.

and i mean really mean it.

also, fullstops are optional, but you inferred that i am sure